Hurley Recycling Center
Located at Hurley City Hall, 24 hours a day, self service. Call 369-3420 for more information. Glass and aluminum cans are taken at City Hall on the porch. There is a large container behind City Hall for all other recycling.
Items acceptable for recycling: (please remove and discard all lids in your regular trash, rinse containers)
Glass – bottles and jars (no plate, no tempered, no ceramics)
Cardboard and pasteboard (no food contaminated items – for example no pizza boxes)
Books and magazines (remove all plastic covers or wraps)
School and office paper
Plastic bottles and food containers (please rinse)
Tin and steel cans (remove food, rinse)
Aluminum cans (remove food, rinse)
Items NOT ACCEPTABLE for recycling:
NO PLASTIC BAGS/WalMart bags/trash bags
NO Styrofoam
NO Dishes, pottery, corning ware
NO Batteries
NO Light Bulbs
NO Juice boxes, frozen food containers, milk cartons (nothing with a waxy coating)
NO Food tainted items (used napkins, pizza boxes)
NO Pet food bags
NO Food waste, Yard waste, or General trash